Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB)

The Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) program provides eligible First Nations and Inuit clients with vision benefits coverage.

This includes:

  • eye examinations
  • corrective eyewear (glasses, contact lenses)
  • eyeglass repairs

Vision care benefits are described in the Guide to vision care benefits.

All visits and services must be pre-authorized in advance. Please contact the clinic and have your treaty card number ready. To facilitate verification, identification must be provided for each claim. We need:

  • Surname
  • Given name(s)
  • Date of birth; and
  • Client identification number (for example, INAC number, Treaty or Status Number, or Band Number and Family Number)

For more information, see the Non-insured health benefits for First Nations and Intuit website.

Any services requested that are not covered by NIHB must be paid directly by the patient or by other eligible insurance. In many cases the insurance only partially covers service cost.